Despre SpicyNaomi Last seen 1 year ago

4.33 din 5

de la 24 membri plătitori

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Orientare sexuală










Mărimea sânilor



172 cm


55 Kg




Girlfriend experience

lips, dirty, highheels, redlipstick, touch

♡❤♡Purple is color or royalty. This is me. A royalty. Strong. Orders. Quiet. Body. THE BODY. Mouth. Eyebrows. Feet. Long legs. Curvy hips. Hips. Movement. Pain. Sorrow. Quiet. Don’t move. Hypnoses. Hypnotized. Can’t breath. Goose bumps. . ♡❤♡

Would you dare? Maybe not. You could try. I’m not sure you can handle. You might try. Allow me to seduce you**. What’s it like when you know that what you need is in front of you? What would it be like if you’d just let yourself go? It’s as if you no longer belong to you...Just imagine.

I am an experienced model so if you like naughty things feel free to share your naughtiest fantasies with me. I am a master of disguise this means I am really good at role-plays.

Dirty talking, playing with your mind and I love, love, love being worshiped.

I am really good at giving orders and making you submit to me. I am a passionate woman and I love being admired! Be you and we will have so much fun!

I like to be the one that turns your world upside down, and that’s with a movement of my delicious hips. My soft skin, my incredible body, my voice, my tongue playing with your ear…I am a tease and I love to do it. If there’s a thing that will make the difference between me and the others that you’ll get to know, this is it!

♡❤♡I like heels, smoking, perfume, manners, giving head, silk, panties, being worshiped, power, and teeth marks.So are you curious to discover the little devil behind the sweet, innocent face? ♡❤♡

As my name says it, I am a spicy woman. I am not pretentious, but I’d like that my man to be smart, funny and have his manners with him. It’s easier for both of us, I promise I enjoy being in your presence, treat me nice and with respect and we will both have an amazing time!

♡❤♡What you can expect from my show ♡❤♡:

  • Teasing you with my feet
  • Being worshiped and playing with your mind. You can't resist, can you?
  • Shoes, silky pantyhose, garter belt, tight-dresses.
  • Doing the splits! I am incredible flexible!
  • Smoking
  • Dirty talks
  • Lingerie
  • Giving jerk off instructions
  • Role-play and fantasies
  • Striptease
  • Foot worship
    If there is something else you would like to try, please tell me and we will figure out a way so both be happy.

    ♡❤♡ My Rules ♡❤♡

** ✓No Paypal, No free previews, no rude attitude.

** ✓No Freeloaders or Time Wasters please

** ✓Don’t ask to check if I’m real, all the content material on my profile is mine, I’m a verified Model!

♡❤♡ ⌚ My Schedule ♡❤♡

** GMT +2: Most Days from 11 PM to 7 AM

♡❤♡ Are you new to SkyPrivate? Here's how to get started ♡❤♡

** You'll need to download/install and register for Skype if you have not done so already. Then come back to my profile and sign up for SkyPrivate. Login and fund your account. It's important that your Skype username and your SkyPrivate name are THE EXACT SAME. Not sure what your Skype username is? Login to Skype, go to Settings -> Profile -> Edit your profile, you should see it.

♡❤♡ Sign up to skype with me for the best price: ♡❤♡

*** [Here is my profile link] (

❀ Here are a few YouTube videos to show you exactly how it works ❀ :

♡ SkyPrivate's Pay Per Minute Plugin ♡

** [ I hope it will help you] (

♡ How To Fund Your SkyPrivate Account ♡

** [ I hope it will help you] (

(✿ ♥‿♥ ✿) I wish you a fun day ♡♡♡❣ (✿ ♥‿♥ ✿)

[x] reset * filter

6 years ago

don't bother

6 years ago


7 years ago

Breathtakingly beautiful.

7 years ago

Just the best


Cumpără o sesiune preplătită direct de la SpicyNaomi

Nu este necesar un cont. Plată sigură cu cardul de credit
Acest model a ales să nu afișeze ID-ul de Skype pentru oaspeți. Pentru a discuta cu ea despre nevoile tale, înainte de a plăti, ia în considerare crearea unui cont.
(vei primi ID-ul ei de Skype / numele de utilizator Discord în e-mailul de confirmare)
visa  mastercard

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    Veți fi redirecționat către site-ul dedicat procesatorului de plăți pentru a finaliza tranzacția. Te rugăm să urmezi instrucțiunile lor și apoi să te întorci pentru a folosi creditul tău. Vei primi o confirmare prin email după transferul confirmat. Extrasul tău bancar va înregistra ca o plată către "SkyPrivate LLC Inc."

  2. APEL SpicyNaomi

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    Apel SpicyNaomi

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Profile picture - SpicyNaomi
  • Îți place SpicyNaomi, dar nu ai timp acum?
  • Ai încercat să o contactezi, dar nu este disponibilă acum?
  • Vrei să petreci mai mult timp cu ea mai târziu?

Alege cel mai bun moment pentru tine și CERE O ÎNTÂLNIRE PE SKYPE

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Poți SOLICITA O ÎNTÂLNIRE cu SpicyNaomi atunci când îți este convenabil. Totul este în fusul tău orar, în orele tale locale. Ea va primi solicitarea ta și o va accepta dacă programul ei este liber. Vei primi o confirmare prin email și te poți pregăti pentru experiența ta incitantă.

Aceasta NU este o întâlnire live față în față. Este online și va avea loc pe Skype.

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Trebuie să ADĂUGI FONDURI în contul tău pentru a putea suna SpicyNaomi sau orice alt model. Acesta este un sistem securizat care îți permite să plătești pentru show-uri private pe Skype cu plată per minut.

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