Despre BrianaKennedi

4.71 din 5

de la 17 membri plătitori

5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
Abilitățile ei de engleză
100% 0%
Rapid în a accepta contactul meu pe Skype/Discord
100% 0%
Excelentă pentru conversații
92% 8%
Sesiunea livrată conform discuției
91% 9%






Varna, Bulgaria

Orientare sexuală










Mărimea sânilor



165 cm


50 Kg


Girlfriend experience

ass, sexy, boobs, kinky, pussy, feet, joi, fun, cute, sph, hot, naughty, smart, tease, charming, amazing, playful, gorgeous, flirty, delicious


I am an amazing woman. I have short hair that frames my face, drawing attention to my captivating brown eyes, which seem to hold the secrets of the universe. My body exudes confidence and allure in every step I take, with legs that are not just beautiful but a testament to my grace.

What sets me apart is my unique smile, one that can light up the darkest of rooms. It's a smile that radiates warmth and kindness, making anyone lucky enough to witness it feel instantly at ease. My intelligence is awe-inspiring, and I have a sharp mind that constantly seeks knowledge and challenges. I can engage in deep conversations on a wide range of topics, leaving others in admiration of my wit and wisdom.

But it's my sense of humor that truly makes me stand out. I possess a rare gift of making people laugh effortlessly, turning any situation into a moment of joy. My humor is infectious, and being around me is an absolute delight.

In all aspects, I am a remarkable woman, leaving a lasting impression on everyone I meet, and my presence alone is truly mind-blowing.


I love sexy lingerie, stockings, garters and different accessories. In my wardrobe a huge selection of various passionate and delicate outfits for any mood. I am very kinky, naughty, playful with a longest list of fetishes. I have a lot of sexual experience so I feel comfortable and relaxed during the show. I'm not shy about my perfect hot body and I'm sure you will fall in love with it. I will help you open up and overcome shyness, because I am very passionate and sweet. The most important thing in a show is to trust each other. No need to be afraid to look funny and ridiculous. Just dive into me, relax and enjoy. I will give you unforgettable emotions, I promise.


⚠️I accept payment only through this site. Please treat it with respect, because it is the site that gives you the opportunity to see and choose models. Don’t ask me about other payment methods, because the only thing you will hear is a refusal. !

⚠️Contact me and discuss the details of the show before making a payment. Otherwise, I'll take it as a tip. !

⚠️I don't do shows that are against the rules of the site. !

⚠️You can call me if you don't get a response to your message within 5 minutes to draw my attention to the chat. But that doesn't mean you'll get a free call. I'll reject it and read your messages. !

⚠️Freeloaders and timewasters will get a lifetime ban in my Skype !

⚠️You must warn me if you don't have a camera or microphone before paying for the show. Because not all types of shows can be done well without eye contact and dialogue. ASK ME FIRST. !

⚠️No rollover minutes. If you bought the show and completed it on your own initiative before the paid time, you will not receive the remaining time later. It’s not my problem that you finished early, that someone came to your room or house, that you were urgently called to work, etc. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BUYING TIME THAT YOU CAN USE IMMEDIATELY IN THIS SHOW. !

If you follow this rules – welcome. Contact me in Skype and I will definitely arrange an unforgettable show for you in accordance with your desires. ❤️

Please don`t forget to RATE ME 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Please ask me before you decide to use the prepaid option for a show, otherwise I will take it as a tip :)

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1 week ago

Briana is a sexy sensual lady. great time - Thanks darling

3 weeks ago

Absolutely Gorgeous and so HOT ! ... Guaranteed an amazing show !

1 month ago

sweet, sexy, naughty and so amazing, stunningly gorgeous and an amazing body

2 months ago

gorgeous, hot, sweet and naughty, a great personality, a filthy mind and such a perfect smile

2 months ago

Amazing lady, super sweet, gorgeous, funny and naughty a really enjoyable time with Briana !

2 months ago

AMAZING ! ... Absolutely Incredible !!!! .... Gorgeous and extremely HOT .... Higly Recommend her show ...

6 months ago


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Poți SOLICITA O ÎNTÂLNIRE cu BrianaKennedi atunci când îți este convenabil. Totul este în fusul tău orar, în orele tale locale. Ea va primi solicitarea ta și o va accepta dacă programul ei este liber. Vei primi o confirmare prin email și te poți pregăti pentru experiența ta incitantă.

Aceasta NU este o întâlnire live față în față. Este online și va avea loc pe Skype.

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Trebuie să ADĂUGI FONDURI în contul tău pentru a putea suna BrianaKennedi sau orice alt model. Acesta este un sistem securizat care îți permite să plătești pentru show-uri private pe Skype cu plată per minut.

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